

Christopher Dadak (President)
Guynn, Waddell, Carroll & Lockaby, P.C.
Justin Simmons (Vice President)


Davis Frith (Treasurer)
Branch Builds
Mona Raza (Secretary)
The Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley
Amanda Ostrander (At-Large, Executive Committee)
Infinity Roanoke Realty Team with MKB Realtors
Sandra Pratt (At-Large, Executive Committee)


   Directors At-Large:

Mark Ching
The O'Connor Group

Brie Gunter
Association of American Medical Colleges

Sharon Kennedy
ETS Recruit
Chris Lee
Independant Financial Services Executive

Raekwon Moore
Wells Fargo
Ginger Poole
Mill Mountain Theatre

Brent Stevens
5 Points Creative

Sheila Umberger
Roanoke Public Libraries Foundation

Directors Emeriti:

Warner Dalhouse
Bill Tanger
Ann Trinkle
Dave Trinkle
Ed Walker